Lombok Airport Kuta Bangsal Tetebatu & Sembalun Transport Services

Jeweh Rinjani Trek is best choice for who accompanies you on your Lombok vacation. We offer rental cars, reliable pick-up and drop-off services from Lombok Airport, Kuta, Bangsal, Mataram, Senggigi, Bangsal, Senaru, Sembalun, Labuhan Lombok, Tetebatu or other location in Lombok island , and our driver are among the best in Lombok.

List of transportation costs/cars with a maximum of 5 passengers in IDR:

1. Airport – Tetebatu 450,000
2. Kuta – Tetebatu 500,000
3. Bangsal – Tetebatu 600,000
4. Lembar – Tetebatu 550,000
5. Kuta – Senaru 750,000
6. Kuta – Sembalun 700,000
7. Airport – Sembalun 700,000
8. Senggigi – Tetebatu 500,000
9. Labuhan Lombok – Tetebatu 500,000
10. Sembalun – Tetebatu 600.000

The price inclusive:

  1. Car and driver with fuel
  2. Driver fluent in Ebglish
  3. Air conditioning
  4. Mineral water

To book transportation service in Lombok island please contact us.

Jeweh Rinjani Trek

M. Pintana, known as Mr. Jeweh, lives and works in Sembalun, East Lombok, NTB Indonesia, as the owner of Jeweh Rinjani Trek, a guide on Mount Rinjani, and a tour operator in Lombok.
